Reminds me of Scared Weird Little Guys
Who had a song under the same title "Come to Australia" listing all our natural wildlife
Blue Ringed Octopus
Tiger Snake
And a Box Jelly Fish
Reminds me of Scared Weird Little Guys
Who had a song under the same title "Come to Australia" listing all our natural wildlife
Blue Ringed Octopus
Tiger Snake
And a Box Jelly Fish
Top Stuff Will
The great returns gets a front page already. I don't know how you do it.
Well done man =]
The bit that made me crack up...
"April 30, 1920"
I didn't register it until after the shot ended... At which point I almost choked on my drink
Classic Awesome
This defines how the Awesome series should always be... Over the top excitement about everything
18 Days?!
Wow, I have no idea how you pumped this out so quickly, I was expecting that this would have been like a 6 month project or something. Fantastic job!
That was great!
Difficult to pull off the parody spy genre well seeing how overdone it is. This came through nicely though.
It's especially awesome to see a flash cartoon that can be considered a 'full episode' of something, impressive also you churned this out in 5 months seeing as this is almost the same quality of a televised cartoon and they tend to take just as long in some cases
Mickey's Rant
Incredible voice acting for Mickey, especially for a rant that long. It sounded completely genuine the entire time, compared to a series like Jerry which had minimal if any dialogue at all it was a pleasant surprise to hear just how talented at portraying a characters emotion you are
Oh I see, she was walking...
Took a while to realise that, just seemed like she was bobbing up and down for some reason...
Also, you say the backgrounds kind of sucked? I think it's more of a case that the backgrounds didn't exist at all; grey flat colour with a black box doesn't really count
The drawings were great, shame the legs didn't move about like the arms because just the straight up and down character flailing about looked a bit weird.
Also please, chase scene to Benny Hill theme has to be one of the single biggest cliches in animation history, I groaned by reflex when it happened... AND YOU KEPT THE CHASE GOING FOR THE ENTIRE SONG
1 point for decent drawings =]
How did you compress this into 3mb?
Oh! I get it
It makes a lot more sense the second time through :P
That was the intention bud!
Making nonsense because I can
Age 35, Male
Graphic Design
Joined on 3/28/07